1.One would have to completely disregard such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide.
2.(Despite overwhelming evidence that this was not actually the case).
3.USDA's EIS claims that organic consumers do not care about GE contamination of their food, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
4.Now, with his no-nonsense money book Multiple Streams of Income, Allen reports the overwhelming evidence of his findings.
5.And people who say that the market is the answer are flying in the face of both theory and overwhelming evidence.
6.He reiterated his denial that the FARC are active in his country. That flies in the face of overwhelming evidence.
7.Yet that overwhelming evidence can never be produced because many of the fundamental questions about banking have no clear or easy answers.
8.And I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we will all be okay.
9.Skeptics will also point to the overwhelming evidence that all so-called effects of prayer can be explained through mere coincidence.
10.Delegates provided overwhelming evidence of the benefits that communication can bring to development.